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Green Business
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Green Public Procurement

Procuring goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle.

Different icons on sustainability

Find out about voluntary criteria, green public procurement requirements in sectoral legislation and the process for setting criteria.

What is Green Public Procurement?


Phrase "Interview" in red

Interview on BBWT's Community of Practice on Social Procurement. Ms. Simões is a member of the Board of Directors of IMPIC, Portugal.

Image of a windmill, on a hill with a sunset in the background.

The One Planet Network published its common principles for action on harnessing sustainable and circular public procurement.

Online meeting image

The EU GPP Helpdesk webinar took place on 12 December. Watch the recording and have a look at the presentations given during the event.

Image showing hands resting on top of each other.

WeBuySocialEU project conducted a training in Helsinki to empower public buyers and social economy actors with practical strategies for SRPP.

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A green world with sustainability crossovers

Learn more about the Life-cycle costing tool and how it can help public buyers

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