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EMAS - Publications (82)
Executive Summary of the Fitness Check

Fact sheet: “The revised Annexes I, II and III of the EMAS Regulation”

Research, education, and collaboration for sustainable development are a vital part of the University of Gothenburg’s vision.
The report highlights the contribution of EMAS organisations to the circular economy. The example of leading organisations is used to illustrate how organisations can implement a circular economy strategy, in 5 easy steps.
The brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.

The brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.

The brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.

The brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.

The brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.
Fact Sheet: ”EMAS and the revised ISO 14001”. It is available in EN, IT, ES, FR, PL and DE.
A more recent fact sheet presents the changes made to the Annexes of the EMAS Regulation to integrate this new version of ISO 14001. It is available in EN (2017).