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Horizontal banner with yellow, green and blue waves coming from left to the right, blue background on the right with small icons representing renewable energy resources, and green bottom right corner with the EMAS logo
EMAS in the European Institutions

The European Commission was the first EU institution to register with EMAS. Today, a total of 18 EU Institutions and bodies have followed suit. The Commission's EMAS team is proud to lead by example and support the EU institutions listed below in implementing the scheme. In need for some additional encouragement and inspiration? Watch our videos, warm-hearted words from the senior management​ of the EMAS-registered institutions, and our own EMAS teams​!

European Commission

European Commission

The European Commission achieved EMAS registration in 2005, the first EU institution to do so. It sets an example by reducing the environmental impact of its own activities through EMAS. Its key priorities are:

  • efficient use of natural resources (mainly energy, water and paper)
  • reduction of overall CO2 emissions
  • waste prevention, recycling and re-use
  • green public procurement
  • sustainable mobility

In September 2001 the Commission piloted EMAS in four of its departments in Brussels. Since January 2010, this system has progressively extended to all its departments and their activities and buildings in Brussels, Luxembourg, the Joint Research Centre sites, and at DG SANTE's site in Grange, Ireland. This has significantly increased the number of employees covered from 4000 to approximately 35000.

The Commission’s political guidelines for the period 2019-2024 recognise the importance of Europe continuing its leading role on the global stage in reducing environmental impacts. They include, at their core, the commitment to develop a European Green Deal under which achieving tougher climate related targets plays a crucial role. In 5 April 2022, the President of the Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, announced the Commission's plans to become climate neutral by 2030. 

As a proof of this determination, on Earth Day 2022, committed to gradually reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 60% compared to 2005. In addition, the Commission will also rely on carbon removals to neutralise unavoidable emissions and achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. For more information, see: People first – Greening the European Commission | European Commission (

This ambitious goal is envisaged in the new Commission’s Environmental Policy.

General publications4 October 2022
EC Environmental Policy 2022


The Environmental Statement 2024

For further information, see the EC Environmental Statement 2024 (period 2023).


The Environmental Statement 2023

For further information, see the EC Environmental Statement 2023 (period 2022).

The Environmental Statement 2022

For further information, see the EC Environmental Statement 2022 (period 2021): 

European Environment Agency

European Environment Agency logo

The European Environment Agency (EEA) was the first EU body to introduce an environmental management system in 2004 and received its EMAS registration in spring 2005. Since then, the EEA has helped other organisations introduce environmental measures and was itself nominated for an EMAS Award in 2009.

European Parliament

EP logo

The European Parliament has been EMAS-registered for its three locations (Strasbourg, France; Luxembourg; and Brussels, Belgium) since December 2007. In 2016, President Martin Schulz and Secretary-General Klaus Welle signed a new environmental policy reaffirming the administration's commitment to:

'...maintaining its EMAS registration and its environmental approach to continuous improvement with a view towards achieving environmental sustainability in all its administrative activities'

President Martin Schulz and Secretary-General Klaus Welle

By relying on the commitment of every single employee and the support of all its services, EMAS provides the framework for the European Parliament to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions and save resources for future generations. As part of the European Green Deal, the Parliament is also examining forward-looking policies on how to reduce its carbon footprint.

Read more about how the European Parliament is implementing EMAS.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

EUIPO logo

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design and has been EMAS-registered since September 2008.

'Our commitment to making management standards better includes both learning from international best practices and establishing an integrated policy to ensure all our processes are efficient. This means combining operational efficiency with advanced human resource capabilities, information systems as well as the physical infrastructure.'

EUIPOs Integrated Management Policy

European Central Bank

ECB logo

Since it registered with EMAS in 2010, the European Central Bank (ECB) has constantly been improving its environmental management system through its Green ECB initiative. The ECB is always looking for ways to reduce its carbon footprint and make its environmental performance even stronger. 

Read more about environmental protection at the ECB.

European Economic and Social Committee / the European Committee of the Regions


EESC and CoR logos

The European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions are two consultative bodies of the European Union. They are unique in that they share joint services and infrastructure. They have also jointly undertaken to implement an environmental management system, formalised by EMAS registration and ISO 14001 certification in 2011. This approach has made it possible not only to obtain these certifications but also to make all stakeholders aware of the environmental aspects associated with everyday activities. Implementing EMAS also provides an opportunity to take account of the principles of sustainable building management, to optimise heating, lighting and paper consumption, to develop a more sustainable canteen, to select environmentally friendly cleaning products and paint, to reduce and sort waste, and to reduce food waste at events.

All measures and results are set out in the European Economic and Social Committee's and the European Committee of Region's environmental statement.

European Council and Council of the European Union

European Council and Council of the European Union logo

Many of the General Secretariat of the Council's (GSC) activities have some impact on the environment. The GSC has been working since 2010 to reduce this impact and protect the environment, through high quality environmental management which applies to all GSC activities in the buildings it occupies in Brussels. The GSC obtained ISO 14001 certification and EMAS registration in 2016.
The main goals of the GSC's environmental programme include:

  • cutting primary energy consumption through renewable energy production and efficient energy use
  • ensuring efficient use of water and preventing water pollution
  • waste prevention and reduction, re-use of materials and promoting recycling
  • employees involvement
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • reducing paper consumption and using recycled and eco-friendly paper

The GSC also promotes environmentally-friendly mobility among employees and visitors and incorporates environmental criteria into public procurement procedures.

For more information, please refer to the GSC's environmental statement.

Court of Justice of the European Union

curia logo

The European Union is at the forefront of commitments to ensure the protection of the environment worldwide. The Court of Justice of the European Union, as an institution, attaches great importance to this question and it has decided to commit itself to that endeavour with vigour and conviction by using EMAS. The institution has been EMAS-registered since 2016.

Read more about sustainable management at the Court of Justice of the EU.

European Court of Auditors

European Court of Auditors logo

The Court was officially EMAS-registered on 10 March 2017 and it successfully operates an environmental management system in line with EMAS Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 and ISO 14001. Its registration number is LU-000004.
For additional information, please see the European Court of Auditors' environmental policy, where you can find their environmental statement, in which they present their environmental performance results and any future plans for improvement. 

European Food Safety Authority

EFSA logo

Since 2015, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been implementing an environmental management system, obtaining ISO 14001:2004 certification in November 2016 and, registering with EMAS in February 2017. Being EMAS-registered has contributed to the implementation of EFSA's key values such as openness and transparency, meeting the expectations of local communities. These include innovation, pushing EFSA to be pro-active in encouraging the green economy; and cooperation, establishing a strong dialogue with the other organisations that are part of the EMAS community.

For more information, read the European Food Safety Authority's environmental statement.

European Investment Bank Group


The European Investment Bank Group is the European Union’s long-term financing institution. It provides finance and technical assistance to achieve sustainable, inclusive growth through two complementary entities, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF). In September 2015, their Board of Directors approved the EIB Climate Strategy. Part of this far-reaching initiative was to implement an Environmental Management System for the Group allowing them to manage their internal environmental performance in an effective manner. In December 2018, they obtained ISO14001 certification and then EMAS registration in March 2019.

With EMAS, the EIB Group can look forward to an environmentally-conscious future. It will provide a framework to plan and build internal environmental programmes; remove single-use plastics, monitor and improve energy performance, reduce waste, and recycle and reuse resources to their best advantage. In a world that is increasingly looking towards the 'circular economy', EMAS offers a robust and stable platform on which to build.

The achievement of EMAS registration is attributable to EIB-wide efforts and intense cooperation across all services. Being EMAS-minded will motivate each one staff member at the EIB Group to minimise our environmental impact. As the EU financing institution targeting climate action as a priority, we must demonstrate the same strong commitment to the environment that we require from our stakeholders and business partners.

For more information, read the EIB Group – EMAS Environmental Policy and the Environmental Statement 2024 Update (including 2023 performance data).


Europol logo

In 2018, Europol established an environmental management system and started monitoring its environmental performance. Europol has been ISO14001:2015 certified since November 2021 and EMAS-registered since February 2022.

In 2023, the Agency developed its Environmental Vision 2030. Europol aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 55% by 2030 compared to 2018 and thus contribute to the goal of the European Green Deal. This carbon reduction objective is incorporated into Europol’s Environmental Policy as well as into the latest Europol's strategy. In particular, one of the objectives under Europol strategic priority to ‘be the model EU organisation for law enforcement cooperation’ is to minimise its carbon emissions.

Read more about Europol’s environmental performance here.

European Chemicals Agency

ECHA logo

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has implemented an environment management system (EMS) since 2015 and has been ISO 14001:2015 certified since 2016. The decision to have a recognised EMS was taken as ECHA’s operational role in contributing towards a better environment under EU legislation on chemicals should be complemented with a commitment to managing its environmental performance as an organisation.

ECHA sought further improvements and the next step was for ECHA to prepare for registration in 2020, when ECHA’s Executive Director pledged that the agency would become net-carbon neutral by 2030. This supports the ambitions of the EU Green Deal and the role of ECHA in the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability to help achieve a toxin-free environment.

In short, ECHA’s environmental management system:

  • includes monitoring and reporting ECHA’s environmental performance and ensures staff engagement and stakeholder involvement on environmental aspects;
  • enables ECHA to increase the sustainability of its operations and minimise the negative impact its activities have on the environment; and
  • is ISO 14001:2015 certified and EMAS registered.

Read more about ECHA's environmental commitments here.

European Banking Authority

EBA logo

The European Banking Authority's EMAS registration is part of its commitment to reduce its environmental impact and carbon footprint. The EBA’s annual environmental statement reflects the authority's progress on this commitment.

The EBA plays an important role in supporting the European banking sector towards the objectives of transitioning to a more sustainable economy and mitigating risks stemming from climate change and broader environmental, social and governance factors.

The scope of its EMAS registration applies to all the EBA’s operational activities as well as its core business activities and products, which aim to maintain financial stability in the EU and safeguard the integrity, efficiency and orderly functioning of the European banking sector.

Read more about the EBA's environmental performance.

European Training Foundation

ETF logo

The European Training Foundation (ETF) is the EU agency supporting countries surrounding the European Union to reform their education, training and labour market systems.
In October 2019, it adopted its environmental policy and launched an environmental management project that aims to:

  • reduce carbon dioxide emissions
  • promote the efficient use of energy, water and paper, and reduce waste
  • incorporate environmental guidelines into procurement procedures
  • ensure appropriate behaviour and commitment through training and by increasing awareness
  • take preventive measures to counter pollution
  • ensure compliance with the necessary requirements
  • provide sufficient resources for its environmental management system
  • promote transparent communication and dialogue.

As an EU organisation, the ETF is committed to making a positive contribution to the environment and to sustainable development as a long-term goal. This is reflected in how it operates and in the decisions it makes to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. The ETF has been EMAS and ISO 14001 certified since 2021

The ETF’s work is devised and delivered in the context of the EU’s policies and external relations priorities in support of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It supports partner countries in the EU’s neighbouring regions to prepare for the green transition through the reform of human capital development systems to drive the shift towards sustainable, clean, carbon-neutral circular economies, and just and fair societies.

For more information, see the ETF’s environmental policy and EMAS declaration.

European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA logo

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) plays a key role in supporting the orderly transition to a more sustainable economy and the European Commission’s objectives. Sustainability is integral to ESMA’s mandate.

In 2019, ESMA’s founding Regulation was revised granting it additional responsibilities and tasks in relation to sustainable finance, which has become part of ESMA’s annual work programmes since 2020, both as a cross-cutting theme and through specific implementation objectives within sectoral areas.

The scope of its environmental management system (EMS) covers both ESMA’s operations and activities in Paris and its mandates regarding sustainability and the integration of environmental, social and governance factors into its mission to enhance the protection of investors and promote stable and orderly financial markets.

Read ESMA's environmental Statement.

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

EIOPA logo, EU flag with two blue squares as a frame of the flag. The label on the right side "EIOPA, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority"

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is a European Supervisory Authority which strives to support the insurance and the pensions industry moving towards a more sustainable economy.

EIOPA has received the certification under the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in 2022 and is pursuing its commitment and effort to be a sustainable, transparent and responsible organisation.

The Environmental Management System under EMAS covers all EIOPA’s operations as well as the activities related to sustainable finance under its mandate.

Read EIOPA's environmental statement here.


Eurofound logo. Two intersecting grey squares with the EU flag and the label "Eurofound" on the bottom.

Eurofound provides information, advice and expertise on working conditions and sustainable work, industrial relations, labour market change and quality and life and public services, to support the EU institutions and bodies, Member States and social partners in shaping and implementing social and employment policies, as well as promoting social dialogue on the basis of comparative information, research and analysis.

European Union Agency for the Space Programme

EUSPA logo

European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) received the EMAS registration in December 2024. In the light of EUSPA’s role and mandate to be the user-oriented operational Agency of the EU Space Programme, contributing to sustainable growth, security and safety of the European Union and of the priorities established by the European Commission with the European Green Deal as a cornerstone, also the Agency has undertaken the commitment towards reaching climate neutrality by 2050. This is reflected in the Financial Framework Partnership Agreement (FFPA) co-signed by EUSPA, the European Commission and European Space Agency (ESA), which also provides indications on the common modalities to reach such goal and define a collaborative way forward to tackle climate change and significantly ease the Agency’s environmental footprint. EMAS is considered an important tool within the framework of the Green Deal and will significantly contribute to EUSPA’s continuous environmental improvement.

Information on EMAS at EUSPA can be found here on our website: EMAS | EU Agency for the Space Programme

European Institutions’ EMAS news

  • News article

How EMAS has been extended among the EU Institutions and agencies? Let’s find out through an interview with Elisabetta Tonin who recently joined the EMAS corporate team at DG HR, European Commission.