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European Business and Nature Summit 2023

11 - 12 October 2023, Palazzo Lombardia, Milan.

Time to transform business for a nature positive society!

Welcome to the 2023 European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS) – the largest conference dedicated to crafting sustainable business models working with biodiversity at their core. This year’s edition comes one year before COP16 and will put special focus on empowering businesses to take decisive transformative action to implement biodiversity targets lead the way towards a nature-positive society.

With keynote speakers from the realms of policy and business, the Summit promises to inspire and guide you through the essential steps needed to improve your relationship with nature. Dedicated group sessions await you, designed to monitor, assess, and disclose biodiversity; reduce impacts and regenerate ecosystems; unlock financial resources through innovative mechanisms; and foster inclusive partnerships to accelerate action. Through these sessions, you will gain valuable insights, forge pre-competitive collaborations, and learn from the successes of leading businesses, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, NGOs, and policymakers. This year, the EBNS will put special focus on the Mediterranean region, a biodiversity hotspot where industries face significant nature-related risks.

We firmly believe that a whole-of-society approach is vital to shift the current economic paradigm in alignment with global goals for nature. Join us in recognizing the critical role of businesses, public authorities, NGOs, and other stakeholders in fostering collaboration. Together, we can safeguard our planet's biodiversity and shape a sustainable future for all. The Summit will allow you to discover innovative solutions to reshape business models and ensure the protection and restoration of biodiversity. By sharing our expertise and experiences, and showcasing tangible examples of effective action, we aim to inspire your positive change.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to learn about concrete actions that businesses can take to protect and restore biodiversity. Be the catalyst for change and inspire others to join this urgent mission.



Check out the full range of materials:





EBNS2023 collage


Is your business committed to nature?

Show your support by signing the Business Charter.

Sign the Business Charter

Current signatories of the Business Charter:

aDryada Lenzing AG
Agatheia Srl mercadona
Alvéole MSCI
Ambro-Sol Srl SB Nala Earth GmbH
BiodAIverse NextEnergy Capital
Boliden mines RM Editori
CDC Biodiversite RWE AG
Cloncannon Biofarm Schneider Electric
confimi lombardia Seeds&Chips
Europe Finance Ingenuity S.L Simbiosi srl
Explotaciones Trucheras Ganaderas y Agricolas Sylva
Green Belt ltd UniCredit SpA
Iberdrola VP Capital
LaFlora Ltd  
EBNS 2023 Side events

European Business and Nature Summit 2023 Side Events


The European Business and Nature Summit sessions will be held in Milan at Palazzo Lombardia.

Book your accommodation in walking distance from the venue.



  • B&B logo
  • etifor logo
  • ffs logo
  • regione lombardia logo

Supporting Partners

  • arcadis logo
  • bancaetica logo
  • BFN logo
  • biodiversity in good company logo
  • capitals coalition logo
  • CDP logo
  • epe logo
  • FFB logo
  • EBNS2023 FloraFauna logo
  • food for biodiversity logo
  • fondazione cariplo logo
  • EBNS2023 foretica logo
  • ICF logo
  • ICONS logo
  • Impact institute logo
  • miteco logo full
  • natural capital factory logo
  • EBNS2023 NBFC logo
  • nextgreen logo
  • pbaf logo
  • value balancing logo
  • adelphi logo
  • B@BRund
  • UNEP logo
  • Global Compact Network Italy
  • FSC Logo
  • Global Nature Fund

Funded by

  • European Commission
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Explore summits from previous years
