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  • News article
  • 19 October 2023
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 2 min read

Latvian EMAS Seminar for Public Authorities and NGOs

This October, the Latvian Environment State Bureau hosted a seminar on EMAS, aimed to educate environmental expert’s on EMAS’s opportunities, benefits, and comprehensive approach to sustainable development. 

Picture from the Latvian Seminar. People sat around a U shape table, looking at a white board in the middle.
Photo by Environment State Bureau of the Republic Latvia

On 18 October 2023, the Environment State Bureau of the Republic of Latvia and EMAS Competent Body organized an informative seminar on EMAS for public authorities and representatives from NGOs. More than forty representatives from various public authorities participated in the seminar, part of the education campaign “Introducing EMAS – year 2023”. The fields present included heating, education, public military procurement, fire-fighting and rescue service, air transport, employment, road management, environment and more.

The main aim of the seminar was to educate environmental experts in public authorities about the opportunities offered by EMAS, its main benefits and its comprehensive approach to the development of state and local government institutions. It began with an introductory session, featuring a brief explanation of EMAS principles by the European Commission. Additionally, participants were introduced to inspiring EMAS success stories, including the remarkable achievement of the European Commission itself, which was the first EU institution to achieve EMAS registration in 2005.

Throughout the event, representatives from SJSC "State Real Estate", SJSC "Strenču Psychoneurological Hospital"  and State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia shared their experience in assessing environmental footprint and sustainability issues. Moreover, participants of the seminar were presented with the stages of the EMAS registration process, development in Latvia and Europe, as well as the comparative benefits to ISO 14001.

Participants expressed interest in understanding the advantages of EMAS compared to ISO 14 001, as well as the sustainability initiatives initiated within the public sector in Latvia. They also wanted to learn more about the activities of environmental verifiers, the possibilities of engaging foreign environmental verifiers in Latvia, the benefits for institutions registered by EMAS in Latvia, and the necessary human resources for implementing EMAS in public institution.

In conclusion, the communication efforts carried out during the “Introducing EMAS – year 2023” education campaign by the Environment State Bureau of the Republic of Latvia, including two seminars about EMAS, reached more than 20 companies and 40 public authorities and environmental experts working on sustainability issues across various sectors. Interest in environmental management systems has been growing and is expected to grow significantly next year.


Seminar was organised from Sub-programme of the State budget of the Latvian environmental Protection Fund 21.13.00. ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR PROJECTS within project of “Introducing EMAS – year 2023” (Project Reg.No 1-08/39/2023).

Latvijas vides logo. On the left a green curved line on a light blue background and the acronym "LVAF" on the bottom. On the right the writing "Latvijas vides aizsardzibas fonds".



Publication date
19 October 2023
Directorate-General for Environment