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EMAS - Publications (82)
The EMAS User’s Guide, developed in 2013 and latest updated in 2017, is a user-oriented tool that translates the EMAS Regulation into practical steps. It gives clear, simple advice for interested organisations, by outlining the main elements and actions for participating in the scheme.

Identify and assess the environmental aspects and impacts of your organisation. Determine the most significant ones.

Step-by-step instructions and examples for effective use of the EMAS Implementation toolkit. Purpose and benefits of EMAS. Practical guidance on each tool.

Gather all important information about your organisation in one place. Use this tool as a reference for the other tools.

Select the people in your organisation who are responsible for different aspects of the EMS.

Receive guidance for collecting the environmental data needed for your EMS. Easily convert units and generate indicators for your environmental statement.

Supporting evaluation study

The Fitness Check was carried out in 2017 by the Commission to analyse the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the EMAS regulation.
The Fitness Check was carried out in 2017 by the Commission to analyse the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the EMAS regulation.

Fitness Check