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Green Business

The Deforestation Due Diligence Registry

The Deforestation Due Diligence Statement Registry is a specialised online tool that streamlines the creation of due diligence statements within your supply chains.

The Registry allows operators, traders and their representatives to make electronic Due Diligence Statements, and submit them to the relevant authorities to show that their products do not cause deforestation, in compliance with the Deforestation Regulation.

Registration to use the system will begin in November 2024 and the system will be opened to all users in December 2024.

The Online Registry

Any operator or trader or their representatives may use a publicly available online version of the Registry. You can use this website to declare that due diligence has been performed for the import, export or domestic production of goods that are in scope of the EU Deforestation Regulation.

Manage statements in bulk through an API

If you are a large operator dealing with many products and suppliers, you will be able manage your Due Diligence Statements in bulk using a machine-to-machine connection to the Registry via an Application Programming Interface (API).

The latest versions of technical specifications for the API can be found here.

Training, testing and user manuals

  • Pilot Testing of the Information System ran till the end of January 2024. 
  • Further information about the results of the Pilot testing, along with details of the API, and the Development Roadmap are available in this presentation. 
  • Training videos will be available as of June 2024
  • User Manuals will be available as of September 2024
  • Training sessions, including “train-the-trainers”, together with Member States authorities, will be organised as of October 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions