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Green Business

EMAS - Best Practices

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Each year, nearly 3900 EMAS registered organisations publish an environmental statement and report on their actual environmental performance and targets for the future.

These reports contain plenty of interesting information which will be useful for many stakeholders: small, medium and large organisations looking for good practices and inspiration, public authorities assessing progress of sustainability goals, the local community concerned about the state of the environment and more!

To enhance the visibility of these reports, we have compiled a few examples of EMAS environmental statements so that you can see for yourself how EMAS organisations are highly transparent and demonstrate a commitment to implementing environmental policies.

These examples may also be useful for aspiring EMAS organisations to learn how to structure, format and disseminate their future environmental statements. For example, since the recent update of the EMAS annexes, it is now a requirement for an organisation to identify its interested parties. This is a great opportunity for EMAS organisations to better identify potential target audiences and tailor their environmental statements to better fit their specific needs and purpose.

Why not learn from some of EMAS’ best environmental statements?

Check out some examples from our three categories below:

  • Environmental statements integrated in the organisation’s annual report or report about Corporate Social Responsibility. These reports also include social, ethical and economic data and addresses the needs of a broader audience such as investors, customers, etc.
  • Examples: UPMVaude, ST.
  • Dynamic customer oriented reports, which allow companies to showcase their best practices.
  • Examples: Martin's Hotels, HIPP, Suez

If you think your environmental statement is a best practice example because of specific features, please contact the Helpdesk. We are looking for suggestions to improve the environmental statements and ensure organisations make the best use of it. Remember that EMAS can facilitate stakeholders’ engagement and help you trigger business opportunities.

Some organisations choose to highlight the existence of their environmental statements in their email signature, in their tender documents and/or in their headed paper by communicating “please have a look at our environmental statement”. Why not adopt some of these methods to also give visibility to all the efforts you made to obtain EMAS?

For more inspiration or information, you can look for the environmental statement of EMAS-registered organisations in the EU Register.