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Green Business
  • News article
  • 21 February 2024
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

Ireland publishes new reference on Sustainable Public Procurement

Green and white picture of a sustainable countryside, with a house in the background and a tree with different signs, e.g. recyclable, solar panel, sustainability.

In response to the fragmented nature of information on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), the Republic of Ireland’s Office of Government Procurement produced a comprehensive reference for public procurement practitioners and policy makers titled ‘Opportunities and approaches for Sustainable Public Procurement’. Published in January 2024, the reference explains key concepts of green, circular and socially responsible public procurement and provides the national, EU and international policy context for the integration of SPP in the purchasing process. It explores how sustainability can be included in procurement while adhering to the EU 2014 Public Procurement Directives. By including guidance, criteria, tools and case studies, the publication demonstrates how sustainable considerations can be included in the planning, carrying out and monitoring of a reporting of procurement within public bodies.

The reference states it is intended to be used by procurement practitioners and budget-holders in the public-sector, as well as to policy developers interested in how public procurement can be used strategically to address key sustainability policy objectives. It is extensively hyperlinked to easily direct readers to further guidance on specific sustainability issues and includes tables in its Appendices to help the reader rapidly find policy and guidance sections that are relevant to specific sustainability concerns or to specific procurement categories. Finally, it notes that since SPP is a rapidly developing field the Office of Government Procurement will review and publish an amended, updated, version of this reference on an annual basis. 

Take a look at the reference.





Publication date
21 February 2024
Directorate-General for Environment