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Publications (84)
RSSThe brochure Analysing the Success Drivers of EMAS in Selected Member States consists of three individual case studies carried out in Italy, Austria and Germany.
Fact Sheet: ”EMAS and the revised ISO 14001”. It is available in EN, IT, ES, FR, PL and DE.
A more recent fact sheet presents the changes made to the Annexes of the EMAS Regulation to integrate this new version of ISO 14001. It is available in EN (2017).
Compendium of promotional and policy support measures in the Member States - EMAS Compendium 2015
Management systems such as EMAS and ISO 50 001 help companies improve their energy efficiency. This fact sheet presents the links between the two and helps you identify which one is best for you.
Fact Sheet “Greening the campus with EMAS”
The tourism sector has significant environmental impacts. Using EMAS to reduce them also makes sense from an economic point-of-view.
ISO 26000 is an international standard providing guidance on social responsibility. EMAS can be used to implement its recommendations, as demonstrated in this fact sheet (2013).
EMAS is applicable worldwide. Companies and other organisations outside the European Union will find more information on how to apply in this fact sheet (2012).
With the EMAS Global mechanism, EMAS is available worldwide. This is particularly useful for multinational organisations that wish to implement a unified environmental management system throughout their sites within and outside of Europe.
This EMAS brochure provides 9 reasons as to why a company or organisation should register for EMAS. The brochure gives a thorough explanation of each reason for registering with EMAS.