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Green Business
  • News article
  • 1 March 2023
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

Re-launching Align 2023

Calgary skyscrapers
Samson (samsonyyc), Unsplash

With its 2023 re-launch, Aligning Accounting Approaches for Nature (Align) is setting itself to build on the recommendations it launched at CBD COP 15 in Montreal. This year, it will drill down into specific fields in a series of 'deep dives' furthering the field of corporate biodiversity measurement. The deep dives will cover topics such as practical implementation of the recommendations across sites and supply chains, and on how financial institutions can implement them in different use cases. They will also respond questions about business alignment with the measurement and reporting goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and will explore ways in which businesses can screen and measure ecosystem condition.

To support the development of outputs exploring these questions, Align will be delivering workshops convening a series of ‘special interest’ sub-group workshops over the coming months. We are therefore looking towards the Community of Practice to draw on specific expertise in the areas of natural capital impact pathways, Business and the Kunming-Montreal biodiversity package, ecosystem condition metrics and on measurements nature positive.  Should you wish to be involved in these workshops, please indicate your expertise and interest in the following form. You will be automatically included on our mailing list and be directly contacted in the coming months. Stay tuned! 


Publication date
1 March 2023
Directorate-General for Environment