Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Training and workshopsConferences and summitsInfo daysToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject environmental protectionenvironmental monitoringpublic procurementcircular economyenvironmental standardEU quality schemesgreen economybuilding industrycarbon neutralitycorporate social responsibilitypublic consultationsocial rightsuniversityadaptation to climate changeadult educationbiodiversitycosmetic productcosmetics industrydigital skillse-procurementecological tourismenergy efficiencyequal treatmentEU sport policyfood industrygender equalityhuman rightsinnovationinternational tradelabellinglabour lawlegal systemmarket researchpreparation for marketpublic administrationresiliencesmall and medium-sized enterprisessocial economysocial enterprisesocial policysportstatisticssustainable developmenturban infrastructurevalue chaingreen public procurementEU Ecolabelenvironmental impactToggle dropdown Organisers Directorate-General for EnvironmentToggle dropdown Venue Manifattura TabacchiScandic SpectrumSQUARE Brussels Meeting CentreTour & Taxis - ShedsUniversity of AlcaláVilla Mondragone, RomeWeBexToggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events (26) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Status Past Upcoming and ongoing Subject environmental impact EU Ecolabel green public procurement 12Dec2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar: how can preliminary market consultations boost sustainable public procurement?Live streaming available11Dec2024Training and workshopsWhen beauty meets green: the EU Ecolabel for cosmetic products16Oct2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Making an impact: monitoring the outcomes of public procurement”Online onlyLive streaming available17Sep2024Training and workshopsGPP Helpdesk Webinar – Promoting decent work and fighting social dumping by means of public procurementLive streaming available22May2024Info daysWebinar on ESPR19-20Mar2024Conferences and summitsInnovation Procurement ConferenceBrussel, BelgiumExternal event13-14Mar2024Conferences and summits11th Procura+ ConferenceExternal event07Mar2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Mainstreaming a profession: The Professionalisation of public procurement”Online onlyLive streaming available06Feb2024Training and workshopsHow to become a leading organisation within sustainable procurementOnline onlyExternal event12Dec2023Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Social and environmental considerations and the link with the subject matter”Online onlyLive streaming available 1Page 123Next
12Dec2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar: how can preliminary market consultations boost sustainable public procurement?Live streaming available
16Oct2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Making an impact: monitoring the outcomes of public procurement”Online onlyLive streaming available
17Sep2024Training and workshopsGPP Helpdesk Webinar – Promoting decent work and fighting social dumping by means of public procurementLive streaming available
07Mar2024Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Mainstreaming a profession: The Professionalisation of public procurement”Online onlyLive streaming available
06Feb2024Training and workshopsHow to become a leading organisation within sustainable procurementOnline onlyExternal event
12Dec2023Training and workshopsEU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on “Social and environmental considerations and the link with the subject matter”Online onlyLive streaming available